Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Best of My Life

作詞:越智志帆 作曲:多保孝一


今 始まる    (my) best of my life
気つけないまま 犠牲にした

ただ 全力(ぜんりょく)で生きてる
どうして人は 後悔(こうかい)を重ねる(かさねる)?

(my) best of my life

抱(だ)きしめられて 眠りたつきたいの

信じながら 許し(ゆるし)合いながら
(my) best of my life

今 始まる (my) best of my life
今 始まる (my) best of my life

Monday, September 21, 2009


出演者(しゅつえんしゃ)Actors in this drama are :

岩井善治 - ケンドーコバヤシ
奈良橋玲子 - 吉瀬美智子
花形一平 - 溝端淳平
片桐琢磨 - 玉山鉄二
大澤絵里子 - 天海祐希――本作の主人公(しゅじんこう)
野立信次郎 - 竹野内豊
木元真実 - 戸田恵梨香
山村啓輔 - 温水洋一

このドラマはBOSSボスです。このドラマは好きです。概要(がいよう)(storyline)を読んだので、面白そう、見たいです。刑事(けいじ)(detective)のストーリー(story)です。本作の主人公(しゅじんこう)(main character)は大澤絵理子(演:天海祐希)です。彼女はアメリカから帰りました。特別犯罪対策室(とくべつはんざいたいさくしつ)の室長(しつちょう)/Bossに就任します(しゅにんします)。大澤さんはきれくて、頭がいいです。刑事のストーリーを始めます。いいドラマです。大好きです。見てみたいです。

私はこのドラマの歌が大好きです。歌はSuperflyの “My best of My life”と “Alright!!”です。いい歌ですよ。聴いてみたいです。

This is a Japanese drama--- BOSS. I like this drama. I have read an introduction of this drama from a Cahaya Sin Chew学海, it looks like very interesting so I watched it.

The story is about a detective/policewomen who is just came back from US leading a group of detectives to fight against crimes. The main character is Osawa Eriko who is a beautiful and intelligent women. She has high capability in dealing with criminal cases. She is appointed as “boss” of a new division and lead 5 detectives who are considered to be the “problem detective” of the police force. As a team, they start a series of story between detectives and criminal cases.

I also like two songs in this drama---“My best of my life” and “Alright” by Superfly. Try listen to the songs.

Sunday, September 6, 2009




Sunday, August 30, 2009

Andy Lau刘德华の秘密

思いてのAndy Lau刘德华はいつもに英雄です。四人のすばらしいスター(superstar)中で、私はAndy Lauが一番好きです。Andy Lauは映画の俳優(movie actor)と歌手をしています、いいイメージ(image)がありますね。母はAndy Lauは優しい人(good man)と言っていました。映画中で、優しい人を演じました、生活中でも優しい人と言っていました。慈善がたくさんしていますね。今、彼の生涯のパートナー(partner)はみんなにおしえました。私もうれしいです。みんなは配偶者(spouse)がいれますよ。Carol ChuはAndy Lauには見たところ(apparently)とても重要な人です。そのうえ、Carol Chuの出身はMalaysiaです!

In my memory, Andy Lau is always a hero. Among that 4 superstar, I like him most. As a movie actor & singer, he has good public image. My mother says he is a good man. In the movie, he used to act as a good person; in real life he is indeed a good person too. He do a lot of charity works. Now he unvealed his partner in life, I am happy for him too bcoz everyone can have his or her spouse in life. Apparently, Carol Chu is very important to him. By d way, Carol Chu is from Malaysia!


私の思いての品は行進の試合(marching competition)いだ、思いて行進するの時の風景はバスケットボールコート(basketball court)、緑の草、野原(のはら)(field)、風、太陽、雨、汗。。。。。。

友達は私に月の会(つきのかい)(Red Crescent Society)がいい会と言っていたから、この会を選んだ(えらんだ)(choose)。私はスポーツが下手だから、スポーツの会は参加しなかった。最初(さいしょ)の時、月の会と行進が好きじゃなかった。一年ごろ後で、好きなった。たくさん友達作ったし、知識(ちしき)を習ったし、この会は好きだ。私たちは女のチームだ。両親はこの試合を参加ことを許す(ゆるす)(allow)、みんなは参加したかった。人の大部分(だいぶぶん)(majority)は同じ、少数派(しょうすうは)(minority)は新人だ。年上(としうえ)の会員は卒業をしたから。
私はこの会と行進とキャンプ(camping)が大好きだ。私たちはいろいろな試合を参加しているだった。たとえば独立(どくりつ)の日(Independent Day)の歌の試合、救急処置(きゅうきゅうしょち)(first aid)の試合、いろいろな行進試合(こうしんしあい)、キャンプで料理するの試合。。。スポーツの日の時、救急処置のチームは救急処置をしているだった。この活動(かつどう)はとてもおもしろいと思いる。下の写真は友達がとったの。写真中で、私がいない。私たちのチームはドレス(dress)をきているだった。今のチームは、ズボン(trousers)をはいている。私の下の妹もこの月の会を参加している。彼女のチームは今年に一等賞(いっとうしょう)(1st prize)を勝ち取った(かちとった)。よかった。

Saturday, August 29, 2009


私の思いての品は中学校時の行進するの試合だ。中学校の二年生から五年生まで、私は行進の試合をしたことがある。この試合は一年間に一回ひらく(held)。地方(ちほう)(province)中で十二学校がある。それぞれ(each)の学校は一チーム(one team)か二チーム(two team)をこの試合に参加する(さんかする)。そのとき、私は月の会を参加した。行進するのは月の会の活動だ。私たちのチームは私たちの学校を代表した(represent)。毎年、この試合の二月の前に、私たちは新人を募集していた。チームが三十三人が必要(ひつよう)(need)だった。後で,三十三人は一緒に行進の練習をしていた。月曜日から金曜日まで、行進するのがあった。毎日、四時から六時半まで、行進をしていた。土曜日は朝に練習があった。日曜日は練習するのがない。休みだ。一年目、私と友達は行進するのが下手だった。だから、私たちは朝にも行進の練習があった。朝から夕方(ゆうがた)(evening)まで、うちでがいなかった。


試合の時、とても緊張していた。でも、私たちは行進の試合に全力を尽くした(do our best)。四年間に一回一等賞を勝ち取った。二番と三番ももらった。練習のときは大変だ、でも勝利(しょうり)(win)の時はとてもうれしかった。

Thursday, July 23, 2009


私はUSM に帰りました。もう三週に大学で勉強しました。今もホステルで住んでいます。私の友達の何人かはホステルで住んでいませんでした。それらはホステルを得なかった(えなかった)ですから、USMのそばのアパートで住んでいます。




Friday, March 13, 2009



Friday, March 6, 2009

得意な(とくい)料理(りょうり)―Dragon Eye Taufu

材料(ざいりょう):agar-agar[1 pack], pandan leaf[10-15 pieces], longan[1 tin],
クリーム(evaporated-creamer)[1 tin]
(First, pour 15 cups of water in a pot.)
2.おゆを沸かす(わかす)。(Boil the water.)
3.おゆにagar-agarに入れます。(Put agar-agar into the boiling water.)
4.たいだい15分にagar-agarを煮ます(にます)。(Cook the agar-agar until it melt thoroughly in the water.)
5.つぎ、pandan leafとクリームを入れます。(Next, put pandan leaves and evaporated-creamer in the mixture.)
6.混合(こんごう)を沸かす。(Boil the mixture.)
7.それから、はしでpandan leafを取り出す(とりだす)。(Then, take out the pandan leaves.)
8.砂糖を入れます。(Add some sugar.)
9.混合をカッブに入れます。(Pour the mixture into container, usually use cups.)
10. たいだい20分に待ちます。(Let the mixture condense.)
11. それから、longanに入れます。(After that, put longan and its juice into it.)
12. Dragon Eye Taufuは冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ)に入れます。(Put the Dragon Eye Taufu in a refrigerator, it will be more delicious.)
冷たいDragon Eye Taufuは美味しいですね。



pandan leaf



Saturday, February 7, 2009



Rambutan treeをangpauでかざりました。



We saw two hornbills on rambutan tree when we want to hang angpau on that tree.

私の弟です。 毎年、きを作ります。たくさん花があります。

We make ‘cherry blossom tree’ every year before Chinese New Year.


We went to IOI Mall to buy food and drink. There were some celebrating Chinese New Year’s activities and we met 3 ‘tall’ person.






私のあこがれのひとはChen Luyuさんです。Luyuさんはおんあです。中国人です。かのじょはTVのプログラマの司会者です。けっこんしています。Luyuさんはやせています。かみがみじかいです。せがたかくありません。 Luyuはゆうめえです。彼女のゆうめえなプログラマは ‘The Luyu Show’です。私はよく’The Luyu Show’をみます。Luyuさんは勤勉です。毎日とてもいっそがしいと思ういます。でも、ふへえをいわないと思ういます。しごとをすきだとおもういます。大学生時、Luyuさんも勤勉でした。彼女のみこみはTVのプログラマの司会者をしますでした。彼女の憧れの人はOperah Winfreyさんでした。Operah Winfreyも司会者です。いま、Luyuさんは司会者として非常な成功をおさめました。

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Belief about Japanese People

Before I came to USM, I have never met any Japanese people before. The first Japanese people I met was my Japanese class teacher, Rika sensei. Before that, I am seldom approach to Japanese people or Japanese culture. Most of my beliefs are come from news, cartoons, television programs and dramas. I have only watched few Japanese cartoons and Japanese dramas like Doraemon, Conan, Dragon Ball, Long Vacation, Nodame Contabile and Hero. Therefore, this information gives me superficial impression about Japanese culture and Japanese people. It has a little bit hard for me to analyze my belief about Japanese culture and Japanese people. However, I would like to discuss about my belief of Japanese people from drama I have watched before.
My belief about Japanese people is most of them are dedicated to their job and enjoy in doing their job as well. This belief come to my mind when I watched a drama named . This drama is presented by Takuya Kimura, Takako Matsu, Hiroshi Abe and other actors. The drama is talking about the story of a public prosecutor, Kuryu Kohei (presented by Takuya Kimura) and his colleagues. Kuryu dresses casually and ignores standard procedures, but he is a hard-working and serious person while doing his job. He is a good investigator because he has brilliant instincts. He is being a good investigator not only because his brilliant instincts but his determination too. He is spending most of his time to investigate a case until he find out the truth. He is dedicated to his job. For once, he went to meet an old man who has amnesia and asked him questions every day for about 20 days. He hoped he can get some answers from that old man because he was the only one eyewitness of the incident he was investigating in.
Another character, Amamiya Maiko (presented by Takako Matsu) is an assistant of Kuryu Kohei. She is also a hard-working and serious person in dealing with her job. She is aiming to be promoted to the position of a prosecutor. Hence, she is studying independently in order to pass the Judicial Test. Besides of her hard-working, she is also willing to sacrifice her personal time to perform her job. For example, she let go a chance to attend to a concert of her idol because she thought that is her responsibility to complete the investigation. Hence, I find out that she is also a dedicated person to her job.
There are still 3 other public prosecutors, 2 assistants and 2 chiefs. Everyone is doing his or her job seriously. They work hard because that is their job and they realized that they have the responsibility to do it seriously. They have the power to investigate and decide whether someone has to be prosecuted or not. They believe great power come great responsibilities. They do it well and at the same time they are enjoy in doing their job. I believe that not only the public prosecutor are hard-working and dedicated to their job, but most of the Japanese people in any field with different working positions are do work hard, responsible and enjoy their job too.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My opinion about Japanese culture

Japan is a beautiful country. She has many beautiful scenery and seasonal weather. I used to look the picturesque scenery from advertisement, drama and travel program from television. Japan has busy and prosperous city like Tokyo. There are many people passing through the main road and walking by the roadside. There are many lights of various colours at night. It makes the night beautiful. Japan also has scenic village landscape especially during the winter. I like white snow there although I have never seen snow in front of me in any other places.
From drama, I realized that Japanese are loyal to their job and company. They work hard with their job and company. They are dedicated. Some of them only work in one company from young age until they are retired. The company also treats them well in return.
The teenagers in Japan are very fashion. They like cosplay. I think they are rich because the costume is very expensive. But it is very interesting to see some characters in comic books become a real person. Not only the costume, those people also imitate the hair style of the character in the comic books. They can do it exactly same as in the comic books. They imitate the roles very well. Some of them will show themselves on a street. But I cannot remember the name of that street. I get to know this mostly from the news in television.
In addition, Japanese are the people who care about cleanliness of the environment. Some of the old citizens who live near the Mountain Fuji climb the mountain every day. They will collect garbage at the road when they climb the mountain. Because of their determination, the environment at the Mountain Fuji is very clean although there are many tourists go there every day. Tourists will keep the environment clean automatically as the environment is clean. I read this information from newspaper. Other than that, the cities are also clean although many people live in there. Not only the houses of residents who live in the cities are clean, but streets also clean. Japanese have build up a good image among other countries.
I also realized that Japanese are always bowed down 90 degree. They are able to bowed for many times. They bowed down to show their respect to someone. I had read an article that state this motion of Japanese have increase the risk of getting headache compared to other country’s people. It is hard for me to do the 90 degree bowed down.
Other than that, Japanese are strongly respect to the elders. The younger person must respect to the elders and new person must respect to old or experienced person especially in the part of occupation. That is a good habit, but some elders will bully the younger person like knock the head of someone. Nowadays, this phenomena may had been decreased or disappeared.